
FatPipe offers distinct solutions for Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN), each provided as subscription-based services. Both solutions address network management needs; while SASE focuses on integrating security functionalities into the wide-area network, encompassing cloud-based security features, SD-WAN primarily concentrates on optimizing network performance, traffic management, and enhanced connectivity through intelligent routing. Organizations have the flexibility to choose and utilize these solutions independently based on their specific networking and security requirements.


Main Challenges of SASE and how FatPipe Solves it

Change Management

  • Challenge: Deploying a SASE solution can come with major changes to traditional infrastructure. Shifting all of a sudden to SASE can compromise productivity and collaboration besides potentially leaving security gaps until the new system is implemented
  • FatPipe’s Strength: FatPipe SASE provides simple yet effective transformation methods with advanced types of secure data transmission, making it easier, modular, and granular to implement secure Edge

Selecting the Right Partner

  • Challenge: There will be a vast difference in the quality of SASE products. Legacy security providers may need proficiency in cloud-native technologies
  • FatPipe’s Strength: FatPipe support offers sufficient support, flexible offerings, and the technical know-how to solve your unique security challenges
  • Overcoming Silos: There should be synergy between the network and security functions. The scenario should not be such that security teams are control the deployment process and network experts are considered at the later stages
  • FatPipe’s Strength: FatPipe ensures optimal results by starting with collaboration


Benefits of SASE

  • Ease of Use: FatPipe SASE simplifies network management by integrating security services into the cloud. Users effortlessly connect securely from anywhere
  • Enhanced Network Security: FatPipe SASE deploys a zero-trust model, boosting security by verifying every access request, irrespective of user location. Trust is never assumed
  • Network Simplicity: FatPipe SASE unifies networking and security in a cloud-based service, eliminating legacy complexities
  • Flexibility: FatPipe SASE offers a scalable network infrastructure, adapting seamlessly to organizational needs


How FatPipe Prevents Network Downtime

  • Redundant connections mitigate last-mile vulnerabilities
  • Diverse access hardware prevents hardware-related outages
  • Multiple paths keep applications up during network maintenance
  • Freedom to choose routing architecture that work for your business

FatPipe SD-WAN can solve unplanned network downtime.

The growth of network complexity has produced many more potential points of degradation and failure.

Source - Infonetics Research, The Cost of Downtime